Our Team

Issey Stevens

Head of AI Engineering

Issey Stevens is a driven young professional fascinated by emerging technologies and their potential within business. Growing up in London, England, Issey holds a Bachelor of Science degree specialising in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Manchester. After graduating, Issey began research and development in rising technologies, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence, realising its possibilities and capabilities. She started working on custom chatbots tailored to individual company needs, creating private agents that could learn and grow from business data. This is where she discovered her love and passion for generative AI and understanding how it can enhance success across all industries.

Working with Intelligence Assist, Issey is evaluating different AI tools and platforms against specific criteria, identifying appropriate AI-driven solutions for client requirements. Following this evaluation, Issey will support the implementation and optimisation of these selected tools, engineering client-tailored solutions. This role involves consistently staying up-to-date with the latest AI trends, tools, and technologies to inform valuable decision-making.

In the same vein as her fascination with diverse innovation, Issey has moved from London to Sydney to explore a new and different lifestyle. She has quickly settled in, balancing her social and work life whilst also finding plenty of time to enjoy the Australian sunshine. Her adaptability, passion, and knowledge make her a valuable addition to Intelligence Assist and the consultancy industry.

Boost Your Small 
Business With AI Today

  • Expert training with our team for fast AI adoption
  • Tailored solutions for your unique business goals
  • Proven success and track record with 20+ years experience